Research on the Family: Why it is Dangerous
There have been
bountiful amounts of research done regarding the definition of family.
Questions such as “Does having same gender parents affect the outcome of a
child?” or “Does having the mother work out of the home affect a child’s development?”
And while these are among the many important questions that should be looked at,
none of them are being researched in the correct way. They are lacking in a variety
of very important categories when testing these questions. These would include,
but certainly not limited to, sample size, a controlled group to compare data
to, and types of samples.
The statistics often can
be so misleading that it causes the public to believe one thing when in fact,
something entirely different is the case. For instance, people tend to believe that half
of all marriages end in divorce. This of course is completely false and was
never the case. It is just another myth that that has been floating around for
ages. But some of the most influence studies that have been done incorrectly in
order to prove its point would be regarding to the question “Sam Sex Parenting
and Children’s Outcomes.” The evidence provided in this APA brief, which
actually helped to sway the law of marriage to be forever changed, was completely
ignorant of the actual steps to the scientific method and how to conduct a
survey properly.
They had numerous
studies in order to prove their point and help change the definition of
marriage for good. And though they had many studies being conducted, many
lacked in a heterosexual compare group or a heterosexual normal group. The
reason these two groups are so vital for their research is because, this would
then show whether or not same sex couples really did have a different effect on
their children. But most of the compared groups to the same sex couples were
groups composing of single mothers. Their findings were that these same sex
couples had no significant different in raising their children and that there
was no significant difference in the outcome of the children. The study claims
there is no significant difference compared to heterosexual parents but in
reality, there is no significant difference compared to single mother homes
which was already proven to be a major disadvantage as opposed to heterosexual parents.
Sometimes there were not even any heterosexual compared group provided. The
fact that a controlled group, the group that they are comparing to, the group
that this whole study is being based off of, is not even being sampled, shows
the lack in factuality and creditability in this particular study.
Now the problems do not stop there.
Another aspect that this particular brief failed to realize is the idea of
variety. When compiling a sample, it is important to do a Simple Random Sample
in order to show an accurate representation of the population. The more people
you sample and the more diverse and the more random they are, the strong your
evidence and statistics get. Often times, samples will be chosen for convince.
For example, if you were searching for the answer to the most liked dog food,
and your neighbor has a dog, then for your sample, you would just go to your
neighbor’s house and ask them your questions. Rather than making your sample
completely random in order to find the answer to your questions, you chose to
go to your neighbor’s house and ask them about the type of food they feed their
dog because it was easy and convenient for you. This is a common action that
was taken place when trying to find gay or lesbian parents with children to
There are so many other problems
with the studies done for family research. Many studies only involve white
families which only help to deride the creditability of the evidence because it
cannot be applied to everyone but just white families in a given area. If we
are ever going to conduct reliable surveys, studies, and experiments in order
to gain a better understanding of families, we need to do it the right way. We
need to have proper boundaries and use comparative groups and focus on the
population as a whole. We will never be able to test each individual planet on
the earth. But, if we are able to perform studies and surveys, using the proper guidelines,
then we will be one step closer to understanding the value of family.
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