Dating and Marriage
What motivated people to date? While the reasons vary, the goal tends to be the same. Marriage. At least that’s what we would hope for, right? As a matter of fact, that rarely seems to be the case. Depending on your age, status, and culture, there can be many different reasons why someone would date. The first most prominent reason why people date is for recreation. This is most common amongst teens and young college students. The whole motive behind this form of dating is to just have fun, relax, and meet as many people you can! This can be great when leading up to marriage and finding the right spouse, but it can also be dangerous if this is the only type of dating a person is ever willing to engage in. As we progress to the college age and beyond, we enter into a new motive for dating, and that is intimacy and companionship. Studies have shown that men tend to look for sexual intimacy while females seek after interpersonal intimacy. Progressing onwards, mate sele...